Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 20 Jan. 2023
Compiled Fri. 20 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
The Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification window to set foreign currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointments was still any time from now through Tues. 31 Jan, although some say it would happen within the next few days.
Thurs. 19 Jan. Bruce: Bond Holders in Tier 3 and Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) are to be notified by email to set appointments to exchange foreign currencies and Zim Bonds on Fri. 20 Jan. or Sat. 21 Jan. and could start exchanges as early as Fri. 20 Jan. or Sat. 21 Jan.
Thurs. 19 Jan. MarkZ: “Yesterday (Wed. 18 Jan.) Goldman Sacs laid off its entire trading floor. Boom…Gone….No explanation. They know that the music is stopping. ….Saudi Arabia is leaving the Petrodollar. They are opening the door to all other currencies. At one point a few years ago 80% of all oil sales were done in US dollars. By next year I believe they will be lucky if 40% is still done in US dollars. IMO Saudi Arabia killed the Petrodollar and announced it to the world.
Member: I saw a Jim Rickards video this AM stating we are hours away from the closing down every exchange in the world. After market closure today, banks failures tomorrow, Sunday = Year of the Rabbit begins?
Member: Saw Guy on PPN his sister got Rainbow money out of ATM in Arizona
The eight US Regional Call Centers and 7,000 Redemption Centers were open and working 8 am to 10pm for the next ten to twelve days.
Fri. 20 Jan. the US Federal Government to make a major announcement about the solvency of the US Banking System.
On Nov. 2nd 2022 there was a meeting in Washington DC between the United States Federal Reserve Bank, Office of the Comptroller of Currency, IMF, World Bank and Governors of Africa’s largest Central Banks. The US set the final date for restrictions on acceptable legal tender of US Dollars which will terminate on Jan. 31st 2023. The restrictions means that any US Dollar Notes printed prior to 2021 will no longer be accepted, or be legal tender anywhere in the world.
March 2023 was the deadline to have all 209 major countries’ currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.
Between May and the 1st of July 2023, the integration into FedNow would launch and all Banks, markets, and businesses around the world would complete integration into the new digital asset-based economy.
Thurs. 19 Jan. 2023 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#
Various currencies around the world were transferring to asset-based currencies
Our UST fiat dollar was transferring to the gold/asset-backed US Note – in 12-14 hours that will be completed, or by sometime Fri. 20 Jan.
They will be pulling out the fiat currencies from the stores and banks – that was to be finished by Feb. 2, 3.
All bank accounts are transitioning to the US Note right now. The accounts are protected by the Quantum Financial System.
They are not printing any more fiat dollars. There are three new printing presses printing the new gold/asset-backed US Note.
US Inc. (Federal Reserve, IRS) were on their way out.
The New York Stock Exchange will be changing names and will be a part of the Quantum Financial System.
Some Bond Holders are in the middle of Tiers 2 and 3 – the Super Whales. They started being paid out and given access to funds at 2 pm Wed. 18 Jan. That is continuing right now.
Bond Holders in Tier 3 and Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) are to be notified by email to set appointments to exchange foreign currencies and Zim Bonds Fri. 20 Jan. or Sat. 21 Jan. and could start exchanges as early as Fri. 20 Jan. or Sat. 21 Jan.
GESARA and NESARA (that includes debt relief and universal basic income) started Thurs. 19 Jan. and will be complete by Wed. 1 Feb.
An announcement may be made Fri. 20 Jan. on the solvency of the US Inc.
The Restored Republic is taking over and the announcement was imminent. President Trump and others will be using the media to make major announcements on Fri. 20 Jan. and/or Sat. 21 Jan.
Read full post here:
Frank26 Bank story from Montana: My husband and I went to our local Stockman Bank last week. The currency exchange person at the bank confirmed we can exchange our IQDs with them when we are ready. She explained they will verify the bills in-house using their currency book. She said they don’t have a machine to check the bills…It’s in Stockman Bank in Billings Montana…the other thing that was crazy to us is that they told us they’re only charging $30 for the exchange. No fees will be taken from our exchange with them.
Militia Man All the things we’re seeing right now are pointing to a picture Iraq is about to make a move with their exchange rate and the reasons why they’re keeping it quiet is because it’s sensitive. It’s not the CBI’s job to come out and tell you exactly what they’re going to do…
Buying an RV With Gold Coins
Mike Maloney 1-19-2023
Is it possible to buy anything with gold coins these days? Absolutely, positively, YES – with some strings attached – as you will learn from Mike Maloney in today’s gold and silver update. Enjoy.
The Bank Of Japan Has Doomed Global Bonds – QE Is Back!
Sean Foo: 1-20-2023
The Bank of Japan is back with QE and they are printing money once again. However, the world isn’t buying this and investors are betting against the BOJ and Japanese bonds.
Because of this QE and the inevitable pivot, the BOJ might just be the trigger to this global recession when yields spike and the global bond market implodes. Here’s what you must know!
Timestamps & Chapters:
0:00 Japan Is Back Printing Money!
1:38 BOJ Is Crashing The Yen
4:20 Japan’s New Strategy
7:10 A Pivot Is Coming
9:17 Will Global Bonds Collapse?
10:49 Japan Is trapped