Popeye7: I wanted to share with you something that I have held fast to since I first heard this speech in 2014… Our world in many respects is governed in a very strange fashion behind the scenes… There are times when it takes years for some of their cryptic messages to come to pass…
There are times when we they give a clue as to future events, and they also realize there are many who do not have a long term memory about such things.. It has been 9 years since this event took place…
First here is the link for just the numerology segment of this 2014 speech… Short Version of 2014 Speech on Numerology
The whole speech’s link is here just to give you an idea just how people were there representing the press: Whole Version of Speech in 2014
Heads up about the first link, and the Readers Digest version of the speech which focus’s on the numerology aspect of Christine’s speech..
The video begins 25 seconds into what was posted for some reason… Suggest you view the whole video from the beginning… She makes a rather interesting statement by saying that she always does what she is told…
This was a very prestigious event with the National Press Club in attendance as you can see when the camera was scanning the audience at the beginning of the 2nd link above… She was at that time the Managing Director of the IMF, and is privy to info we are not of course… But how much she understood as to the numerology aspect of this speech is unknown of course…
But she was essentially saying that aspects of how the world is run is based on the use of numerology… Otherwise why would she bring it up?..
There is certainly something to this speech she gave as it pertains to the 7 strong years of economic growth Imo.. We have been waiting for this to occur, and it could very well be that the RI of Iraq’s currency is the catalyst to this… Again, we shall see…
Notice at the end of this segment of this speech she emphasizes G7, and G20… She is instructing the audience to think about how numerology works, especially the emphasizing of the number 7… Christine is also giving instructions on how to compress numbers like 25 (2+5=7), drop numbers 70 years, (drop the 0, and you have 7) etc… Now G is the 7th letter of the alphabet… So if we take the G, and change it to the number 7 for both the G7, and G20 we will have the following numbers.. 7 + 7 +7 + 2 + 0 = 23… Interesting this year is of course 2023, and when you compress 2023 (2+0+2+3) you come up with sum of 7…
This weekend will mark the 9 anniversary since this speech was given in 2023…
G7, and G20 when you drop the G, and the 0 you come up with the sum of 9 when adding 2+7… 9 years since this very awkward speech was given… This weekend will be 1/15/2023… When you compress the month, and day the sum of 7 comes up… 1+1+5=7…
And again 2023 when compress is 7 as well… 7+7=14…
Is there something about to transpire on 1/15/2023, or at some point in the very near future?… We shall see…
Anyway, again this weekend is 1/15/2023… Interesting timing considering all of the excellent news we are getting out of Iraq.. Just a little bit more on the timing of this..
100 years ago this year, Calvin Coolidge became president after Warren Harding died.. President Harding became the US president in 1921 and his administration was wrought with scandal.. Just as the current one is as well… After Coolidge became president, he enacted reforms which lead to a very prosperous period (the roaring 20’s) during his administration…
The beginning of the end of this economic prosperity transpired on Oct 29th, 1929 when the famous stock market crash too place leading to the great depression of the 1930’s…
Is history about to repeat itself 100 years later?… Coolidge died in 1933 as the country was not only suffering a great economic depression, but the drought in the Midwest causing the famous Dust Bowl, and the migration of many West in that area to Calif…
I shared that little bit of history because the past has been often repeated throughout the ages mankind has existed..
Will justice be served as it was during 1923 when President Coolidge became president… I believe he assumed that position in August of that year after President Harding past away… Will we see upheaval in the governance of our nation at some point this year as well… There is quite a bit of corruption…
But in the end, it is up to God as HE is the One with the final say in all of this… Just wanted to share some thoughts as I have never forgotten this video because of the mysterious revelation of how important numerology is in some of the world’s affairs by people in powerful positions…
And again awaiting the beginning of the 7 strong years of economic growth that has yet to transpire… God bless, and of course IMO
Walkingstick [via Frank26] The Iraqi dinar is floating internally inside of Iraq. That’s the fluctuations you’re seeing with the American dollar. When you see the American dollar fluctuating so violently against the IQD it’s necessary. Don’t let it upset you. It is part of the process…It’s not a surprise. It’s a factor that has been known and determined by the Central Bank of Iraq and it is being exposed to the citizens at this time in the education of the monetary reform…
Mnt Goat Article: “HOW IRAQ IS PAID FOR ITS OIL AND WHERE THE MONEY GOES…HOW THE PROCESS GOES” …the daily transactions of dinar to dollars should be just enough to pay for imports needed for the economy of Iraq. The CBI knows what this amount is. We have been told it is about $20-30 million a day and so getting it down to this amount from $200 tells us lots of the past stolen money is no longer funneling out of Iraq. This is due mainly from the new currency auction platform recently put in place.
Expect Turbulent Markets 2023 | Nick Santiago
Liberty and Finance: 1-13-2023
Nick Santiago, market trader with decades of experience, expects turbulent markets in 2023.
Geopolitical conflicts will increase, he says. China is selling bonds and buying gold. He says these moves by China signal a coming invasion of Taiwan. While he is bullish on metals long term, he expects a pullback in both gold and silver.
Silver to Outperform Gold, Mainstream Media Is Clueless
Mike Maloney: 1-11-2023
Silver and gold were featured in a mainstream news article recently, and as Mike Maloney shows in today’s video – it is proof that they really don’t know what they are talking about.
Join Mike as he gives his opinion on the price targets given for silver, and hear his method for obtaining twice as much gold as you actually pay for.