CandyKisses: Al-Jubouri: America’s exit from Iraq means its loss of the Middle East
Information / Baghdad.
The head of the Al-Raffd Center for Strategic Studies, Abbas Al-Jubouri, said that America considers the exit from Iraq as a loss for the Middle East, pointing out that Washington, through the stay of its elements in Iraq, seeks to monitor some countries.
Al-Jubouri told Al-Maalouma that “Iraq after the Russian-Ukrainian war has become the focus of the world’s attention, especially since many countries are in dire need of oil and gas, at a time when Iraq has large quantities of oil and may work within a short period to cover the oil deficit.”
He added that “Iraq is the only country capable of exporting more than 4 million and 500 thousand barrels in addition to the existing amount of crude oil.”
He pointed out that “the neutrality of Iraq has created a major role for him, and this matter has made America stick to staying in the bases it occupies inside Iraq, as its exit from the country means the loss of the entire Middle East, because its suspicious stay in Iraq has goals summarized in monitoring Syria, Iran, Turkey and even China and its aspirations towards the Gulf countries, including Iraq.”
CharlieOK: Interesting to see that the focus of the protestors is the worthless value of the Iraqi dinar – not whether or not to throw out a political figure. I was struck by the protestors point that a days wages only supports one-half a day’s needs to survive. All we are left with is dollars,
CharlieOK: This would seem to force the ptb in Iraq to get their stuff together economically. It doesn’t matter which party is in power, the constant is the ever worthless Iraqi dinar,
Red: the USA has the last say on the RV issue , Iraq is on a leash…Iraq gets close then has to make excuses
CarloSisan: Iraq has always been on a leach, the question is – who is holding the leash? We’ve been through this for years, and nothing has changed.
CandyKisses: Hezbollah newspaper: Sadrists return from the gate of the failures of the framework government
Baghdad – Nas
The newspaper “Al-Akhbar” close to the Lebanese Hezbollah quoted its sources that the performance of the current government in the file of accountability of the corrupt, which does not seem satisfactory to the «Sadrists», and what the latter see as a failure to manage the country’s many crises, may push the current to return to demonstrations, until the overthrow of the «cabinet of the coordination framework» headed by Sudani.
According to a report by the newspaper followed by “Nas”, (January 26, 2023), the Sadrist movement wants to end its isolation from the political process to which it committed itself in 2022, and to return again to the scene and interact with its dynamics.
Several indicators have recently foreshadowed this, including the call for the revival of unified Friday prayers, and the mobilization of some unofficial electronic platforms close to the movement to organize widespread popular protests in front of the Central Bank and in all governorates.
The newspaper added that Al-Sadri monitors the widening gap of differences between the forces of the “Coordination Framework” that support the Sudanese government, especially since the current is also betting on the failure of the government’s efforts to manage the affairs of the state and address the political, service, economic and financial crises, especially the rise in the price of the dollar against the local currency and the failure to approve the fiscal budget for 2023.
On the other hand, the State Administration Coalition, which includes the Tansami and Sadr’s former allies before his withdrawal from the political scene, seeks to address the exchange rate rise crisis through a series of meetings he held with al-Sudani at the residence of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
The government also preempted Sadri’s steps by relieving the director of the central bank, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, of his duties, in an effort to end any pretext for protest.
A member of the Sadrist bloc, who resigned from parliament, who asked not to be named, confirmed to the Lebanese newspaper the return of the movement to political activity in the coming period.
The resigned MP says that «our masses are waiting for a simple signal from His Eminence the leader Muqtada al-Sadr to return to the street, especially since the mass base of the movement is mostly from popular areas and owners of daily food who have been affected by the rise in the price of the dollar and the high prices of foodstuffs».
He pointed out that «the current is currently evaluating the work of the Sudanese government, as the withdrawal from the political process does not mean the complete retirement of the scene, but on the contrary we gave the opportunity to the brothers in the framework to proceed with the passage of their coalition government project».
The source denies knowing of any date for the demonstrations, and denies that instructions were issued by Sadr, saying that «al-Sayyid is currently content to pay attention to the religious aspect and review the books of his martyr father».
But other analysts close to the tide who spoke to the newspaper suggested there could be immediate moves. In this context, the professor of the Faculty of Media, Ghaleb Al-Daami, confirms that «the rise in the price of the dollar, if it remains the same, the demonstrations are inevitably coming by supporters of the Sadrist movement», considering that «reducing the price is not possible now, and therefore, the demonstrations can occur at any moment, but not necessarily under the supervision of the current».
Hence, Al-Daami considers that “all scenarios are possible, in light of the pressure of the street and the obscene rise in the prices of many foodstuffs,” and that “the upcoming demonstrations are likely to be in partnership between Sadrists and non-Sadrists.”
He points out that «the main title of the next movements after the expiration of the hundred-day deadline, will be «dollar inn», and this is what the Iraqis chanted in the stadium «trunk palm» in the championship «Gulf 25», and may extend to other demands», adding that «no one can say that «the Iraqi government is a failure», but if it can reduce the dollar, it will be able to stop all demonstrations, and there will be no large protests while continuing to provide services to citizens.
It is noteworthy that after its significant rise, the dollar returned and partially fell over the past two days, from 1650 dinars to the dollar, to 1590 dinars, which may give the government a grace period, especially if the “downward” trend strengthens or at least stops the rise.
On the other hand, the writer and political analyst, Essam Hussein, believes that «Sudanese is in an awkward position, because the coordination framework suffers from a glut of leadership and political goals», explaining that «each party has a specific political goal, and this certainly contradicts the aspirations of the government that wants to satisfy the citizen».
He adds that «Sudanese is now in the trap of the framework conflict over the control of the economic resources in the state, especially since the amounts of money currently available are attractive to these parties, and may reach the limit of $ 250 billion, in addition to the fact that the 2020 budget was non-existent, meaning that it turned into the 2023 budget, and the amounts in it amount to $ 150 billion, in addition to the cash reserves in the Central Bank».
Hussein pointed out that «the prime minister did not interfere in the details of the formation of the government, because the agreements were concluded with the American side by Nouri al-Maliki and Ammar al-Hakim and with the approval of Qais al-Khazali, and therefore the Sudanese did not have a hand in them», considering that «external agreements and internal conflict over positions prevent the Sudanese progress even for one step».
Hence, he does not rule out “the possibility of protests erupting after the rise in the dollar exchange rate,” expressing his belief that “the departure of the current is the beginning of drawing up a new policy in the coming stages.”
In the same context, political researcher, Manaf al-Musawi, senses that «the descent of supporters of «Sadrist» to the street again, has become likely if the Sudanese government does not move to address the dollar crisis urgently», considering that apart from «the deadline granted by the current to the government of Sudani, it seems clear that the latter will fail as a result of quotas between the parties fighting for power».
Jambie67: Whew. That was difficult to follow. Well, there ya have it. If there’s any truth to the notion that there will be massive chaos and confusion right before the RV occurs, this convoluted, all-over-the-place, on-the-other-hand analyses contained within this word salad of an article provides the substance to support that notion. In other words, confusion and chaos abound. The stage is definitely set perfectly for the RV to suddenly appear in the spotlight. Bring it! The entire universe is ready, not just Iraq, or us, the globe, our solar system or the galaxy. We long to exit this ride.
Mnt Goat … Is this a VERY GOOD time to conduct the project to delete the zeros and move to FOREX. Since there is a shortage of dinar and dollars on the streets it would be advantageous to do so. My impression is that it could not be a more favorable time in the history of this RV saga…
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: …They keep talking about the new currency. We think they are referring to a new rate. We hoping so. We want to see the rate go back the other way to strengthen the dinar. We’re still looking for it to turn back and move to 1180 or so and then 1 to 1. This is all what my bank friend told me. He said all the new baking platforms that have been put in place to support this. Looks like things are in place to make us use the dinar only in our country and this is a process and about to come into place.
“We Are All In Trouble” | IT STARTED… — Robert Kiyosaki’s Last WARNING
FreeNVesting: 1-25-2023
Robert Kiyosaki and Adam Taggart warn about a giant crash ahead. They also discuss bonds as an investment and elaborate on how people can protect their portfolios from what is coming.
Greg Mannarino: 1-26-2023